Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Save On Business Cards Delivered To You!

Summer is such a hot time of the year. Staying indoors to keep cool is high on our list. Why not make it possible to order your printing needs over the phone and stay cool.
Through the end of August we will offer you a special deal of business cards (1000) for only $55. Let us deliver it to you for only $5 more (within a 25 mile radius). Call today for details 850-897-3638.
If you are out of the Niceville area and would like them delivered to you, it is only $11 more.
Do you know of anywhere else you can get 1000 business cards for $66 delivered to your door step?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

7 Days To Profitable Blogging

Blogging is one of the most used methods of communicating the latest updates, local information, idle gossip, etc. So why not put some of it to your advantage and make some money while doing it?
Check out our new site: sevendaystoprofitableblogging.com. It is full of information, tips and suggestions to help you make some money blogging.
I have read the book, front to back, and it is great on the information it contains. It will also get your imagination cooking on how you can create some of your own ideas to take it to a new level.
Check it out: sevendaystoprofitableblogging.com
Dennis Foote